August 14th - Mars conjunct Jupiter, Mercury regresses into Leo

Mars, Saturn, Jupiter, & Venus are all looking at another in one way or another in a T-square for much of the month. Mars & Jupiter can give us triumphant victory & enthusiasm--exceptional quarterback Tom Brady has this conjunction natally. Mars & Jupiter also represent war & peace respectively, which bodes ill for current conflicts. Explosions & guns are also signified here: the largest non-nuclear explosion, in a Beirut warehouse, occurred under a Mars-Jupiter square. Mars-Jupiter means aggressive expansion, but with Saturn poised to square each of them in turn later this month, we'll soon run into barriers. Beware excessive confidence; it can backfire. In economic significations, Obama signed in his 2009 stimulus package under this configuration, as did Congress in 2020 (this also influenced by other major configurations, including Saturn).


August 15th/16th - Mars square retrograde Saturn


August 7th - Mercury (rx) conjunct Venus