February 28th: Moon, Mercury, & Saturn conjunction in Pisces

This occurs at 9 degrees of Pisces, & each planet applies to a sextile with Pisces in the following days. Jupiter brings us another management check-in after Saturn's: how have we been balancing growth with consolidation? Jupiter's going to pick up speed & zoom out of Taurus later this year, moving away from this balanced position to a difficult square with Saturn. We've been balancing weight with buoyancy, but once in Gemini, Jupiter forms more of helicopter to Saturn's submarine--vehicles that can't be combined. With Saturn & Mercury (also the Sun shedding light), we'll likely see changes in the status of maritime trade & in travel over all. From Saturn to Jupiter we may see something go from being stuck to unstuck.

Big plans that consist of taking long trips or even moving should have another mental evaluation before going ahead & doing so, just to make sure we didn’t skip over anything before the final nail is hit.

During this time you may also see old friends and others that you haven’t seen in awhile. Be careful with approaching them. Let them make the first move to see what their intent really is.


March 2:Venus Square Uranus


February 26th: Mars square Jupiter