July 21st - Full Moon in Capricorn
A lot of different aspects are happening at once here. The Moon & Sun oppose each other at 29 degrees of Capricorn & Cancer respectively, with the Moon immediately moving towards a sextile with Neptune (29♓), and then conjoining Pluto (0♒) upon her egress from Capricorn. We'll see an immediate shift in tone with news stories foreshadowing the next month of Mars in Gemini. Mars is, by degree, in exact contra-antiscia to the Moon here. Meanwhile, Venus (12♌) sextiles Jupiter (12♊), so positive things are happening at the same time as this tense lunation. However, Merucry (26♌) squares Uranus (26♉), bringing tensions in communication. This will be one of the more memorable days of the month--ongoing negative developments will rear their heads, some nice things will happen, some unexpected things will happen, & the next day the Sun enters Leo, opposing Pluto in Aquarius.