January 20th: Sun & Pluto enter Aquarius

⚠️ Intense energy incoming ⚠️

Anything hidden underneath the surface of our sociopolitical waters will have a spotlight shed upon it. Truth comes up naked out of her well to scream at us all during this Aquarius Season, because it'll be accompanied by Lord Pluto, God of the Underworld, who delights in showing us our old skeleton closets. Do some shadow work during this transit & you'll be (totally) transformed by the end of it. Your social networks may change based on a fundamental shift in your viewpoint. Especially if that viewpoint involves "strong opinions" on global events. Although that has been happening to a lot of us now with all that has gone on since last year & there is nothing wrong with standing strong on your stances.


Aquarius Season is Here


January 14th: Mercury enters Capricorn