January 23rd: Uranus in Taurus Semi-Sextile True Node in Aries

⚠️ Intense energy incoming ⚠️

The world is getting launched into the future...whether we're prepared for change or not! Expect the unexpected with this shake up. Events that unfold today could suddenly present us new opportunities to explore which will bear fruit later on in spring. Clinging onto the past will trap you in the rubble of what has already been destroyed & will no longer be. Take charge by grabbing onto whatever moves you into the future. Traumatizing issues that have enveloped you are ones that need a gentle touch to guide you through. Make sure we are still remaining in a good mindset for recovery after. Don’t push forward if you know the subject remains uncomfortable.

Again, make sure to evaluate relationships so we don’t carry other people’s issues into what we are trying to lay groundwork for. That’s unfair to you to have to babysit when they need to work out their own issues. Aries is passion-filled for a reason. They can rally like no other, which is fine when we come to aiding others, but we cannot haul their baggage.

For future endeavors, look to how well Taurus can manifest, especially in some areas of finance. They have a great ability to finesse to gain what they are in need of. Let your self-suffiency shine through. That can help influence other going through tough times to become more resilient in their situations.


January 23rd: Venus enters Capricorn


Aquarius Season is Here